Goats are hairy animals who scream at random intervals in the night, particularly when under twenty-four hours old. On occasion, one of these breeds with a sheep and produces a sheep-goat hybrid. This resulting offspring is referred to as a “geep” or a “shoat”. There does not appear to be a difference between the two, but I recommend that the offspring of a male sheep and a female goat be “shoat” and the offspring of a female sheep and a male goat be “geep”. This falls in line with the use of “liger” and “tiglon”, where the prefix is formed from the male parent’s species.
It is unfortunate that “shoat” would also be the correct word for a baby pig. With both being livestock animals,they could be confused with one another. Fortunately, I find it difficult to imagine that people can mistake a pig for a sheep-goat too often. Also, the geep or shoat is a sheep-goat hybrid, not to be confused with the lab-created sheep-goat chimera.
Unfortunately, goats are also nudists.

Even when bred with the most well-behaved of sheep, the typical geep or shoat tends to be a nudist who brazenly displays hairy wool-fluff and long legs. I have no evidence of this besides what I have seen, but have YOU ever seen a geep or a shoat who was not naked? One who was not indecently prancing around the meadow with all the other sheep or goats and completely undressed?
I haven’t.
I hope that while writing on clothing the naked sheep of the world, I have encouraged those of you who own the rare geep or shoat to clothe a geep or shoat, too. While on this topic, I will note that whatever clothing fits a sheep will likely also fit both geep or shoat.