As though unclothed sheep did not have enough to worry about, they now must worry about being illegally taken to places they are not supposed to be and then shot!
According to a Colorado Parks and Wildlife press release, a Colorado ranch owner imported exotic sheep species for his private hunting ranch. Certain sheep species are prohibited in Colorado, such as Mouflon sheep hybrids, Texas Dall sheep and Painted Desert sheep. Mr. Michael Gates of DJ Rams LLC knew certain sheep were prohibited but forced them to Colorado as illegal sheep residents for his perverse customers to hunt anyway!

The CP&W observed that the imported sheep could have spread disease, devastated local habitats, and generally harmed sheep populations of the native wild and local domestic varieties. In particular, the imported sheep could potentially have taken advantage of the local wild sheep (or been taken advantage of) and produced hybrid sheep that apparently are harmful to Colorado. You can ask Colorado Parks and Wildlife department just how dangerous these hybrids are if you are curious, because I am not privy to those scandalous details.
Mr. Gates was happily given a one-year deferred judgment sentence for possessing sheep illegal to possess in Colorado. Sadly for someone who probably enjoys hunting, he was assessed five suspension points against his hunting and fishing privileges. He also has some fines and court costs and must perform 60 hours of “useful public service”.
Those 60 hours could be spent helping sheepish welfare somewhere. It would only be right given that he could have harmed many innocent sheep. Maybe he will help knit a poor, naked sheep some very attractive clothes.